Our treatment
Anejaculation is a type of ejaculatory disorder that affects a man’s ability to release semen when they reach climax during sexual activity. When a man has anejaculation, it means he is unable to excrete semen when they are participating in sexual activity.
In a normal situation, a man would release semen from the tip of their penis when they reach climax. With anejaculation, the man will notice that no semen comes out during the climax point.
It should be noted that anejaculation does not always affect a man’s ability to experience pleasure when they have an orgasm. A large number of men still experience this pleasure but cannot ejaculate semen.
Anejaculation is generally classified into two different categories. It is important to understand the two categories, as this affects the potential treatments and the underlying factors that need to be taken into consideration.
The symptoms that are associated with anejaculation are often divided into two major groups. A healthcare provider will often initiate the diagnosis and treatment process by first considering in which of these two categories the symptoms of the man falls.
Anejaculation and anorgasmia can also be classified as primary or secondary. Primary anejaculation/anorgasmia is when ejaculation/orgasm has never been experienced in a man’s entire lifetime and secondary anejaculation/anorgasmia is when a man is unable to ejaculate/orgasm after he has been experiencing normal sexual functioning.
In cases where retrograde ejaculation has been ruled out (see section on retrograde ejaculation), anejaculation occurs when the prostate and seminal ducts fail to release semen into the urethra. This problem can be due to several causes:
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