Delayed Ejaculation

Our treatment

Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation — sometimes called impaired ejaculation — is a condition in which it takes an extended period of sexual stimulation for men to reach sexual climax and release semen from the penis (ejaculate). Some men with delayed ejaculation are unable to ejaculate at all.

Delayed ejaculation can be temporary or a lifelong problem. Possible causes of delayed ejaculation include certain chronic health conditions, surgeries and medications. Treatment for delayed ejaculation depends on the underlying cause.

It’s normal for men to have delayed ejaculation from time to time. Delayed ejaculation is only a problem if it’s ongoing or causes stress for you or your partner.


Delayed ejaculation occurs when a man needs more than 30 minutes of sexual stimulation to reach orgasm and ejaculate. Ejaculation is when semen is discharged from the penis Some men can only ejaculate with manual or oral stimulation. Some cannot ejaculate at all.

A lifelong problem with DE is very different from a problem that develops later in life. Some men have a generalized problem in which DE occurs in all sexual situations.

For other men, it only occurs with certain partners or in certain circumstances. This is known as “situational delayed ejaculation.”For other men, it only occurs with certain partners or in certain circumstances. This is known as “situational delayed ejaculation.”

How is delayed ejaculation diagnosed?

A physical examination and explanation of your symptoms are necessary to make an initial diagnosis. If a chronic health problem is suspected as the underlying cause, more testing may need to be done. This includes blood tests and urine tests.

These tests will look for infections, hormonal imbalances, and more. Testing the reaction of your penis to a vibrator may reveal if the problem is psychological or physical.